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Coast Radio Group Brings Home 2022 MAB Radio Awards

Each year, broadcast media companies around Mississippi hope to bring home accolades from the MS Association of Broadcasters awards ceremony.

Pictured (from left to right): J.D. Gray, Kyle Newman, Stephen Stiglets, Ryan "Crash", Dave "Super Dave" and Steve Spillman


This year, our Coast Radio Group stations were award recipients in three creative categories including:

Commercial Announcement - :30 seconds or less(Radio)


WZKX-FM Southern Productions / Monsters vs. Megas

Radio Public Service Award(Radio)

WGCM-FM March of the Mayors / Extra Table

Station Promotion(Radio)

WZKX-FM- The Mini-apolis 500


Coast Radio Group was also the recipient of two very special awards:

Public Education Partnership Excellence Award(Radio)

Radio Lifetime Achievement Award - John Morgan Dowdy

Dowdy began his radio career over 60 years ago after his parents (Charlie and Alice Dowdy) came from Georgia to Gulfport. Morgan has progressed from DJ to programming, sales, engineering, management and ultimately ownership in his 60 year career. Morgan always felt the strength of local radio was the ability to serve the public during good times and bad. His company worked tirelessly during Hurricane Camille even after WROA was destroyed. After Katrina, he opened the stations to businesses and to the public to broadcast their needs as they searched for loved ones and asked for assistance during a very difficult time. Today, Morgan owns 24 stations across the southeast United States. His legacy as a leader in Mississippi radio is best shown in the family type workplace he's created and maintained. Morgan Dowdy is an inspiration to his family, his radio group and all of those around him.

The award was accepted on his behalf by his daughter Lisa and his grandson Stephen.

Pictured (from left to right): Lisa Stiglets, Stephen Stiglets; Not pictured: Morgan Dowdy


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